
Chapter 3 - Object Model


Almost everything in Latitude is an object. This includes data types, primitive values, variable scopes, object methods, and continuations. Since Latitude is prototype oriented, objects have a “type” in a trivial sense, in that there is only one type, to which all objects belong. Latitude has no notion of classes, interfaces, or traits that other object-oriented languages have, but the benefits of these features can be reaped easily using prototype inheritance.

Memory Space

The Latitude memory model is organized into four parts.

Symbol Table

Each Latitude process maintains a global symbol table. There are three types of symbols, each of which is stored in the symbol table in a slightly different way. The three types of symbols are: standard, generated, and natural.


A Latitude object consists of an associative array mapping symbols to slots, as well as a primitive field. A slot consists of an object pointer and a protection mask.

The primitive field can contain a value having any of several types. At the very least, the primitive field must be able to be empty, and it must also at least be able to contain the following: a number, a string, a symbol, a continuation, and a method. Implementations are free to allow primitive fields to contain other values as needed.

An object with a primitive field containing a method is called an evaluating object.

Every object must always have a parent slot. An object’s parent slot is delete-protected but can be reassigned freely. The value of the parent slot is considered to be the object’s parent. An object’s inheritance hierarchy, often referred to simply as the object’s hierarchy, is a list calculated as follows

Object is the root object and, as a consequence, is its own parent. It is possible to construct objects that do not inherit from Object. These objects are called non-traditional objects, as they have an object hierarchy that is not of the traditional form. Conversely, an object that has Object in its inheritance hierarchy is called a traditional object.

Many standard library functions expect objects to have several other slots, which traditional objects have by default. Thus, care must be taken when passing non-traditional objects to standard library functions. Unless otherwise specified, standard library functions expect only traditional objects to be passed to them. As a convention, non-traditional objects are often bound to variables beginning with an ampersand (&) to clearly denote them.


Every slot can have different protections applied to it. A slot with no protection can be assigned and deleted by the user freely. A slot with assignment protection cannot be written to. A slot with deletion protection cannot be deleted. An implementation is free to provide more types of protection or to provide more fine-grained versions of the existing ones, as long as the required functionality is implemented.

Cloning Objects

A fundamental part of any prototype-oriented programming language is the ability to clone objects. When an object is cloned, a new, distinct object is created from the object pool. The new object is given only one slot: the parent slot. The new object’s parent is set to be the old object. Additionally, the parent object’s primitive field is copied into the new object’s primitive field.

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