
Chapter 6 - Control Flow


Continuations are the primary means of control flow in Latitude. A continuation is a special value which can be stored in the primitive field of an object. A continuation value contains a local interpreter state. It does not store the value of any other memory data. In particular, the object pool, global symbol table, and read-only register tables are not stored in any continuations.

There are two primary operations that can be performed on continuations: construction and loading. Constructing a continuation is done simply by taking the current interpreter state and copying it into a fresh continuation value. Loading a continuation, sometimes referred to as jumping to a continuation, involves taking the continuation’s interpreter state and replacing the current VM’s registers with the values from the continuation’s registers.

At the user level, continuation values are accessible through special continuation objects. The parent of these objects is the globally defined continuation object, which has no primitive field and is bound to the global name Cont.

Constructing a new continuation is done using the global method callCC. callCC takes a method as its argument. That method will be invoked with a single argument, which is a newly constructed continuation. This new continuation contains the register memory that the VM should have at the end of the callCC call. If the method exits normally, the value returned from the method is used as the return value for the callCC call. However, if the continuation is invoked (using its call method) with exactly one argument, the continuation’s value is loaded into memory, and the program proceeds as though the callCC call had just returned. In this case, the argument with which the continuation was invoked is used as the return value of the callCC call.

Note that this is only a small fraction of the power of continuations in Latitude. Many languages support what is called “one-shot” continuations in the form of try-catch blocks or similar constructs. However, Latitude supports full first-class continuations. This means that continuations can be invoked from anywhere in the code, not just inside the original callCC block. Consider the following code block.

callCC {
  $1 call: Nil.
  "Hello, world!" println.

This continuation will exit before the print statement is performed. In this way, callCC can be used to implement return-statements, break-statements, and throw-statements from other languages. However, continuations can also be invoked from outside the original block. Consider the following code.

a := Nil.
callCC {
  parent a := $1.
"Hello, world!" println.
a call: Nil.

This will print the string, and then the continuation call will move backward to the point in the code just after callCC, resulting in an infinite loop. In this way, continuations can be used to replicate loops and arbitrary jumps in the code.

Note that while implementations are free to implement standard library looping constructs using continuations, implementations may also choose to implement these looping constructs using more efficient, low-level techniques. As such, while the code sample shown above is demonstrative, it is also inefficient, and built-in loops should be preferred when they are powerful enough to express the desired behavior.

Hard Kills

A hard kill is a foolproof way to quickly exit the VM. Hard kills can be performed using the built-in kill method on the Kernel object, which takes no arguments. Hard kills are also performed by the VM itself under some circumstances, as will be detailed in the following sections.

A VM-level panic is like a hard kill. However, a panic does not exit silently. It will print various debugging information before terminating.

Conditionals and Loops

There is an object defined in global scope with the name Conditional. This object has no special methods defined on it. However, it is used as the target of many control flow methods in Latitude.

The standard way to determine whether an object in Latitude is “truthy” is to call its toBool method with no arguments. toBool is defined on all traditional objects, so care must be taken when using non-traditional objects as the condition in an if-statement or a similar construct. toBool is expected to return either the global true value or the global false value. The truthiness of an object is unspecified if toBool returns any value other than these two, and the behavior of the program is undefined if an object which lacks a toBool method altogether is used as a condition.

The most basic built-in control flow method is, appropriately, the if-statement. The name if is globally bound to a method. This method takes a single argument, which is called. The truthiness of the result of this call is stored, and a new “then” object is returned. The “then” object has a method called then which takes a single argument. This argument, the true case, is stored, and a new “else” object is returned. The “else” object, likewise, has a method called else. When the else method is invoked, its argument, the false case, is stored. Then either the true case or the false case, depending on the truthiness of the condition value, is called with no arguments. The chosen case is invoked on the global Conditional object. This results in the convenient syntax

if { someCondition. } then {
} else {

The return value of the if-statement is the return value of the case which was invoked. Note that it is not required that the condition object be a method, since it will only be invoked once. However, it is generally good practice to get into this habit, as the loop constructs which may invoke their condition multiple times must be given methods or the program will behave in unexpected ways.

If a condition is being invoked for side effects and the return value is unimportant, there is another convenient way to branch. The methods ifTrue and ifFalse defined on the root object each take a single argument. These two methods check whether the caller is truthy or falsy (respectively) and, if so, call the argument method. If not, no method is invoked. In either case, the caller is returned.

There are two basic looping constructs that Latitude provides. The simplest is the loop method, which takes a single argument. This loop construct forms an infinite loop, calling its single argument forever.

The second, more commonly used looping construct is the while-loop. The globally-defined while method takes a single argument, which should be a method. This method is the condition. A new object is returned, on which a do method is defined. The do method takes a single method as an argument, which will be the loop body.

To evaluate a while-loop, the condition will be checked. If it is truthy, the body will be executed once. Then the condition will be checked again, and so on.

The resulting while-loop syntax is as follows.

while { someCondition. } do {

Note that the following is most likely incorrect.

while (someCondition) do {

This will check the condition exactly once, and the resulting condition value will be stored. On later iterations of the loop, the condition will not be checked again, resulting in a loop that either runs zero times or forever.

Latitude provides more sophisticated looping and conditional constructs than these, but they are all built on these primitives. The more sophisticated methods will be discussed in later chapters on the standard library.


Like many languages, Latitude provides an exception-handling mechanism. Note that the more familiar constructs such as try-catch blocks are available in the Latitude standard library. However, these constructs are built upon the primitives discussed in this section. This section will discuss only the primitive constructs and the relevant VM details.

Methods can be set up as exception handlers. The interpreter state stores a stack of exception handlers which is initially empty. The handle method, defined on the literal method object, takes a single argument. This method pushes the argument onto the handler stack, then invokes the caller, then pops the argument back off the handler stack.

Any object can be thrown as an exception. When an object is thrown, usually through the throw method on the root object, the exception handler stack is checked. Then, in order from top to bottom, each method on the exception handler stack is called. Each method is called with one argument: the object that was thrown. After this, the VM performs a panic.

The exception handlers are each called in their own constructed lexical scope, based on their closure. The dynamic scope is a clone of the dynamic scope at the time of the throw call. Every handler will be executed in a scope in which all of the outer handlers still exist on the exception handler stack, but the current handler and any inner handlers do not exist.

In the ideal case, one of the exception handlers will perform a continuation jump which escapes from the panic. This is how the try-catch standard library methods are written to behave.


It is often desirable to protect a block of code in the case of continuation jumps. A thunk is a generalization of the try-finally blocks available in many languages. The global method thunk takes three arguments, each of them methods. The first method is referred to as the “before” method, the third is referred to as the “after” method, and the second is the body of the thunk. When a thunk is entered, the before and after methods are stored on a stack in register memory. Then the before method is called, followed by the body, then the after method. Then the before and after methods are removed from register memory.

Thunks are useful when there is the possibility of performing continuation jumps which enter or exit the body of the thunk. If a continuation ever moves control of the code from outside the thunk to the body of the thunk, the before method will be called immediately before doing so. Likewise, if a continuation ever moves control of the code from the body of the thunk to a place outside the thunk, the after method will be called immediately before doing so.

If there are multiple thunks which need to perform before or after methods in one jump, they are performed in the following order. First, all of the required after methods are called, starting with the innermost thunk. Then all of the required before methods are called, starting with the outermost thunk.

The body of a thunk call is always called with no arguments. The before and after methods are each called with one argument. That argument is True if the method is being called as a result of a continuation jump and False if the method is being called as a result of the normal flow of control of the program.

Note that before and after methods of a thunk are invoked in a special context. In this context, the dynamic scope is a clone of the dynamic scope of the thunk call. and not a clone of the dynamic scope at the point of the continuation load. As a side effect, before and after methods of a thunk can never perform continuation jumps that escape their scope. Local continuation jumps that remain within the current before or after method are allowed, but the behavior is undefined if a continuation jump attempts to enter or exit a before or after method of a thunk.

For example, the following is allowed and will behave as expected

callCC {
  break := $1.
  thunk: { "I will print once" println. }, {
    break call: Nil.
  }, { "I will also print once" println. }.

However, the following will result in undefined behavior.

callCC {
  break := $1.
  thunk: { break call: Nil. }, {
    "I may or may not print." println.
  }, { "I also may or may not print" println. }.

Note also that in the case of a hard kill, before and after methods are not executed. In this case, the stack is simply ignored and the VM exits immediately.

[prev - Chapter 5 - Literals]