
The Argument List Object

ArgList := Object clone.

An argument list object encapsulates an argument-like object as an iterable collection. Any object which has fields of the form $1, $2, … can be encapsulated in this way, so that those fields can be iterated over. Argument list objects are most frequently constructed using the global $* method.

Simple Slots

ArgList toString := "ArgList".


ArgList clone.

Returns a copy of the argument list object. The internal data is shallow-copied when an argument list is cloned.

ArgList fill.

Stores the caller’s dynamic scope in self’s internal memory, effectively filling the argument list object with the arguments of the caller’s scope. Returns self.

ArgList fillWith (arg).

Stores the given argument-like object in self’s internal memory. An argument-like object is an object which has slots of the form $1, $2, …. The longest unbroken prefix of such slots will be taken to be the argument list’s elements. In particular, any dynamic scope object is an argument-like object, and $argv is also an argument-like object. Returns self.

ArgList shift.

Rotates the argument list object by taking the first argument, placing it at the end of the argument list, and shifting all the other arguments forward by one. The argument that was moved to the end is returned. If the argument list was empty, no modifications are performed, and Nil is returned.

ArgList unshift.

Rotates the argument list object by taking the final argument, placing it at the beginning of the argument list, and shifting all the other arguments backward by one. The argument that was moved to the beginning is returned. If the argument list was empty, no modifications are performed, and Nil is returned.

ArgList unshiftOnto (arg).

Similar to unshift, this method rotates the argument list by shifting all the elements backward by one and placing arg onto the front of the argument list. arg is returned. Note that, unlike shift and unshift, this method increases the size of the argument list by one.

ArgList iterator.

Returns an ArgIterator object which iterates over the given ArgList object.

ArgList dropIn.

Drops the current argument values into the caller’s scope. Equivalent to ArgList dropInto ($dynamic).

ArgList dropInto (arg).

dropInto is the inverse operation of fillWith. This method inserts arguments from the argument list into the slots $1, $2, … of the arg object.

[next - The Array Object]