
The Cached Value Object

Cached := Proc clone.

A Cached object is a procedure which stores a lazy-evaluated value. The first time the procedure is invoked, the value is computed, as per a stored procedure. The result is stored, so that later calls to the procedure can simply return the value. Cached objects are most commonly created using the memo global method.

Simple Slots

Cached toString := "Cached".


Cached value.

Returns the value computed from the stored procedure. If the value has not been computed yet, this method returns Nil.

Cached done?.

Returns True if and only if the stored procedure has been invoked and the value set.

Cached procedure.

This is the stored procedure itself. Its default value is the global Proc object, but it is frequently overriden in subobjects to a correct implementation of the stored procedure work. This should not be an evaluating object and should also not return an evaluating object as its result. It should also work correctly when passed no arguments.

Cached call.

If the stored value has already been computed (done?), returns the stored value (value). Otherwise, this method simply returns the stored value.

[prev - Booleans and the Nil Object]
[next - The Chain Object]