
The Collection Builder Object and Builders

CollectionBuilder := Object clone.

A builder is used to construct a specific type of data structure, usually a collection. The CollectionBuilder object is designed to be the parent of all such collection builders.

Note that, while it is not strictly required that builder objects inherit from CollectionBuilder, it is often logical to do so. However, a minimal builder object could feasibly inherit from Object directly or even be a non-traditional object. Specifically, collection builder objects are required to have the following methods defined on them.

In particular, all Latitude builders must be cloneable, so the underlying object that is being built must also be cloneable.


CollectionBuilder append (element).

Appends an element to the builder’s data structure.

CollectionBuilder finish.

Terminates building and returns the finished object. After calling finish, the methods append and finish may not have meaningful semantics on the builder object anymore.

Collection Builders


Constructs an array, using pushBack.


Constructs a dictionary. The append method on DictBuilder expects to be given a cons cell, whose car is a symbol. The car is used as the key and the cdr as the value. If the same key is provided to append multiple times, the subsequent invocations will overwrite the original.

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