
The Cons Object

Cons := Object clone.

A Cons object, usually constructed with cons is a simple pair of elements. A Cons object consists of a car and a cdr.

Simple Slots

Cons toString := "Cons".


Cons car.

Retrieves the value in the car cell, without evaluating it if it is a method.

Cons cdr.

Retrieves the value in the cdr cell, without evaluating it if it is a method.

Cons car = (arg).

Stores arg in the car cell of the cons object.

Cons cdr = (arg).

Stores arg in the cdr cell of the cons object.

Cons pretty.

Produces a user-friendly string representation of the cons cell, using the standard Lisp rules. If the cdr is nil, then the car is merely enclosed in parentheses. If the cdr is another cons cell, then the car is listed first, followed by the remainder of the “list”. If the cdr is any other object, then the cell will be printed as a dotted list.

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