
The Enumeration Object

Enumeration := Object clone.

This object contains all of the methods of the enumeration module, as well as the means of defining new enumeration types. It is the parent of all enumeration types defined by this module.

Simple Slots

Enumeration toString := "Enumeration".


Enumeration values.

Returns the list of possible values that this enumeration type can carry.

Enumeration value (n).

Returns the nth enumeration value (0-based) that this type can carry. Raises BoundsError if out of bounds. This is equivalent to self values nth (n).

Static Methods

Enumeration of (list).

Defines a new enumeration type. list should be a list of symbols. A new subclass of Enumeration is constructed. For each symbol in list, a slot on this new subobject is defined with the given symbol name and with value a clone of the new enumeration subobject; these clones are the instances of the new enumeration type. Each clone has a toString which evaluates to the name to which it is associated.

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