
The FilePath Object

FilePath := Object clone.

FilePath is a static object which provides several methods for operating on and accessing different parts of pathnames stored as strings. Note that all FilePath methods assume that / is the directory delimiter, even on Windows. For maximum portability, use / as the delimiter.

Simple Slots

FilePath toString := "FilePath".

Static Methods

FilePath directory (path).

Returns the directory of the pathname. If the path already refers to a directory, returns the directory which contains the provided path, effectively stripping off the bottommost directory.

FilePath filename (path).

Returns the filename in path, excluding the directory but including any file extension.

FilePath rawname (path).

Returns the filename in path, without the extension. If no extension exists, this is equivalent to filename.

FilePath extension (path).

Returns the file extension in path. If no extension exists, returns the empty string.

[prev - The FileHeader Object]
[next - The Iterator Object and Iterators]