
The Mixin Object

Mixin := Object clone.

A Mixin object is a way to emulate multiple inheritance in Latitude.

In Latitude, objects fundamentally only have one parent object. Sometimes, however, it is desirable to “mix in” certain qualities of other objects, while retaining the original parent. To allow this, the Latitude Mixin object provides a means to “inject” itself into the hierarchy of another object. This is done by constructing a new object and placing it in the target’s inheritance hierarchy, and then defining appropriate methods on that object which delegate explicitly to those defined on the mixin.

Simple Slots

Mixin toString := "Mixin".


Mixin interface.

This slot consists of a list containing the names of all of the mixin’s public methods. When the mixin is injected into an object, all of the methods listed here will become available in that object’s inheritance hierarchy.

Mixin inject (obj).

This method injects the mixin into obj’s inheritance hierarchy. A newly constructed object is placed between obj and its direct parent in its inheritance hierarchy. This new object has slots corresponding to all of the public methods in self interface, all of which simply delegate to the appropriate method defined on the mixin itself.

Additionally, the newly constructed object will have a toString field which delegates to toString on the mixin object, as well as a mixin slot whose value is simply the mixin object.

The object which was injected into the inheritance hierarchy is returned.

Mixin member? (obj).

Returns true if obj has had self injected into its hierarchy. Specifically, returns true if some object in obj’s inheritance hierarchy has a slot mixin whose value is equal (===) to the calling mixin object.

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