
The Stack Frame Object

StackFrame := Object clone.

A StackFrame object is generated by the VM when an Exception object is thrown or when currentStackTrace [TODO: Link] is called. The StackFrame object, as the name suggests, carries information about a single frame of the call stack, as well as a reference to the calling frame. These references are stored in the StackFrame object’s inheritance hierarchy, so a StackFrame’s parent object is the calling object’s StackFrame.

Simple Slots

StackFrame toString := "StackFrame".


StackFrame file.

Returns the name of the file from which this stack frame originated.

StackFrame line.

Returns the line number in the file from which this stack frame originated.

StackFrame dumpObject.

This method overrides Object dumpObject, to print the individual stack frames in a concise way. If the original dumpObject behavior is desired, use $stdout dump: StackFrame.

[prev - The Slots Object]
[next - The Stream Object]