
The Version Object

Version := Object clone.

Version objects embody Latitude versions. The version object is most commonly used to check the version of the Latitude VM, but it can also be cloned and used to version other entities.

Simple Slots

Version toString := "Version".
Version major := #<current Latitude version information>.
Version minor := #<current Latitude version information>.
Version build := #<current Latitude version information>.
Version release := #<current Latitude version information>.


Version == (other).

Returns whether the two objects have the same major, minor, build, and release values.

Version < (other).

Returns whether this version comes before the argument version. The major version is compared first, then the minor, then the build. Two objects with the same version number but different release types will not compare less, equal, or greater.

The Release Object

Version Release := Enumeration clone.

The release type slot release will contain a value of this enumeration. The enumeration provides the values Dev, Alpha, Beta, and Full.

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[next - The Global Object]