
Advanced Flow Control

The basic control structures are used most of the time. However, in those infrequent situations where you need a bit more control than a simple if-statement or while-loop can provide, Latitude provides a more powerful construct.


A continuation is a first-class representation of a specific point in the code, which can then be later jumped to. Continuations are constructed using callCC, which takes a block and passes the current continuation as its argument.

foo := callCC {
  putln "This will print".
  $1 call ("Result of callCC").
  putln "This will not print".
putln (foo). ; Prints "Result of callCC"

Using continuations in this way allows us to implement early returns from functions, the equivalent of return statements in other programming languages.

doSomeWork := {
  takes '[arg].
  callCC {
    exit := $1.
    arg nil? ifTrue {
      ;; If the argument is nil then do nothing
      exit call (Nil).
    ;; ... Some complicated work ...

This pattern is fairly common in Latitude, so it is implemented as a method in its own right. Calling escapable within a callCC block will enable return statements to exit that block.

doSomeWork := {
  takes '[arg].
  callCC {
    arg nil? ifTrue {
      ;; If the argument is nil then do nothing
      return (Nil).
    ;; ... Some complicated work ...

However, this is not the only capability of continuations. Latitude continuations are first-class, meaning that they can be invoked from anywhere, even after the original block has exited. Here is a rudimentary infinite loop implemented using only continuations.

start := callCC { $1. }.
putln: "This will never stop printing".
start call (start).

From within the callCC block, we return the continuation object itself and store it in start. Then, later, we call start, passing itself as an argument, so that when we restart our makeshift loop, start will retain its own value.

Obviously, this form of looping is not terribly efficient. Loops written using loop or while use more primitive looping instructions and are much more efficient, so the code above is primarily for demonstrative purposes.


Like most other scripting languages, Latitude supports exception handling. Any object can be thrown as an exception object, although by convention we usually only throw objects which are children of the Exception object.

% Exception clone throw.
***** EXCEPTION *****
Exception - Exception!
<stack trace omitted>
% "A" throw.
***** EXCEPTION *****

Exception objects respond to the throw message differently than other Latitude objects, by attaching the current stack trace to the object before throwing. This is why we get a significantly more helpful message when throwing an Exception. We can attach a message to the exception with throwWith.

% Exception clone throwWith "Something really bad happened!".
***** EXCEPTION *****
Exception - Something really bad happened!
<stack trace omitted>

To handle exceptions, write a handler block. Handler blocks take the form

} handle {

The blockBody will be executed. If it terminates normally, the handler is never called. If an exception (any exception at all) is thrown, handlerBody will be run, with that exception as the sole argument. If there are multiple handlers, they will be run in the reverse order they were established.

    Exception clone throw.
  } handle {
    putln: "This will print first".
} handle {
    putln: "This will print second".

After all the handlers have executed, a system exception handler will run, which prints out the stack trace (if available) and then terminates the program.

However, more than likely, we want to do more than print a message when an exception occurs; we want to handle the problem and resume execution. This is where continuations come in handy.

Accessing a variable which doesn’t exist throws a SlotError, since we’re trying to access a nonexistent slot on the (lexical) scope object. Let’s write a function that tries to access a variable value but doesn’t crash if the variable doesn’t exist.

;; Returns the value, or zero if it doesn't exist
valueOrZero := {
  callCC {
    } handle {
      return 0.

;; Value doesn't exist yet
println: valueOrZero. ; ==> 0

;; Now let's make the variable
value := 99.
println: valueOrZero. ; ==> 99

You might recognize this pattern of “handle the exception then resume”, as it is the same pattern seen in try-catch statements of other languages. Latitude provides a catch method, implemented using the exact technique shown above. The following code will behave the same way.

;; Returns the value, or zero if it doesn't exist
valueOrZero := {
  } catch (err SlotError) do {

;; Value doesn't exist yet
println: valueOrZero. ; ==> 0

;; Now let's make the variable
value := 99.
println: valueOrZero. ; ==> 99

handle is primitive in the sense that it is implemented using special VM instructions. catch (and its slightly more general cousin resolve) are higher-level exception-handling techniques implemented in terms of handle. In most common cases, catch will suffice and should be used rather than calling handle directly.

There are several built-in exception types. Most of them are not available as global names but are instead accessed within the err object, to avoid polluting the global namespace. Constructing your own exception types is no different from constructing any other object “type”; simply clone the Exception object and make any modifications you please.

MyException ::= Exception clone.
MyException message := "Some useful error message".


With the threat of continuations jumping around the code, it can be difficult to enforce invariants. We haven’t explicitly learned about file objects yet, but like in any language, files must be closed when the programmer is finished with them. A naive approach may look something like this.

local 'file = Stream open ("myfile.txt", "r").
;; Some work ...
file close.

But if the “Some work …” portion were to throw an exception or perform a continuation jump, it is very likely that file close would never executed. Latitude allows the programmer to construct thunks to enforce invariants about the execution order of code.

local 'file.
thunk: {
  file = Stream open ("myfile.txt", "r").
}, {
  ;; Some work ...
}, {
  file close.

The global thunk method takes three arguments: a “before” method, a “during” method, and an “after” method. It executes each of the three of them in order. However, if a continuation jump or other control flow technique causes the “during” method to be entered to exited abnormally, the VM will guarantee that the “before” and “after” methods are called as appropriate. So even if “Some work …” throws an exception, the file will be closed.

In the specific case of file handling, the Stream object provides this behavior in a succinct way.

Stream open ("myfile.txt", "r") closeAfter {
  ;; Here, self is the file object
  ;; Do some work on self ...

Finally, if only the “after” method is needed, protect can be used.

} protect {
  putln: "Will be run unconditionally after the body".


Now we have explored continuations and the two accompanying features: handlers and thunks. You have all of the major control flow tools you need to implement your own control structures now. In the next chapter, we’ll discuss input/output and files.

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