

One of the primary design goals of Latitude is to provide a strong metaprogramming toolset. In this chapter, we’ll be discussing several of the tools for reflection and metaprogramming that Latitude gives programmers access to.

Tapping Objects

The first tool we’ll discuss is minor but very handy. The Latitude root object provides a tap method which takes a block. When an object receives the tap message, it runs the block with itself as the receiver, then returns itself. It is primarily used to initialize new objects. This is best demonstrated with an example.

myObject := Object clone {

  self toString := "myObject".

  self pretty := "My shiny object :)".

  self someMethod := {
    ;; ...


In this way, we can construct a new object and initialize all of its behaviors in one statement, organizing all of the functionality into one nice, indented block.

Runtime Slot Access

Latitude provides several methods on the root object to modify slots based on runtime information. slot can be used to access a slot based on a runtime value, slot= can be used to assign, and slot? can be used to check for slot existence. If you recall, variable scopes in Latitude are objects like any other, so we can use these methods to dynamically create variables.

define := {
  lexical caller slot ($1) = Nil.

define 'var.
println: var. ; ==> Nil

Here, we’ve created a method define which, when called, defines a new variable in the caller’s scope. On its own, define is not terribly useful, but we can expand it to include an accessor.1

define= := {
  ;; Define the slot variableName and the accessor variableName=
  target := self.
  var := $1.
  target slot (var) = $2.
  accessor := (var asText ++ "=") intern.
  target slot (accessor) = { target slot (var) = $1. }.
define := {
  self define ($1) = Nil.

First, rather than using lexical caller, we simply refer to self, since define (and, in this case, define=) is a message being passed to the lexical scope anyway. Then, in addition to making the variable, we make an accessor whose name ends in an =. So

define 'var = 0.

will define a variable named var in the current lexical scope and also a method var= which assigns to that variable. This particular syntax may look familiar to you; that’s because it’s exactly the local syntax for declaring local variables. In fact, the code shown above is very close to the way local and local= are actually implemented in Latitude.

Likewise, we can define the built-in localize method using the same techniques. Recall that localize binds the value this to be the current value of self.

myLocalize := {
  self this := #'(self self).

Inside of myLocalize, self is the lexical scope which received the message, so self self is the caller’s self value.

Argument List Manipulation

We have already seen that you can use $* to get the current argument list as an iterable collection. However, argument lists can be manipulated more directly and even mutated. Argument lists can be constructed with ArgList clone and filled with fillWith.

;; The following are equivalent.
args := $*.
args := ArgList clone fillWith ($dynamic).

Once you have the argument list object (either by fillWith or $*), you can manipulate it by shifting values on or off it. Mutating an argument list only affects the scope it was created in, so you don’t have to worry about messing up your caller’s dynamic scope. shift will rotate the first argument onto the end of the argument list and return the rotated value. unshift will rotate the final argument onto the front of the argument list and return the rotated value.

printArgs := {
  $* visit {
    println: $1.
shiftFirstArg := {
  $* shift.
  printArgs. ; Forward the rotated argument list
shiftFirstArg: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. ; ==> Prints 2, 3, 4, 5, 1

Similarly, you can push values onto front of the argument list with unshiftOnto, which takes an argument and places it at the front of the argument list.

The inverse operation of fillWith is dropInto, which takes an argument list object and places its arguments into the given scope.

printStoredArgs := {
  ;; Takes an argument list and drops it into the current scope
  $1 dropInto ($dynamic).
  $* visit {
    println: $1.
storeArgs := {
argList := storeArgs (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
argList map! { $1 * 10. }. ; Let's modify the argument list object in-place
printStoredArgs (argList). ; ==> Prints 10, 20, 30, 40, 50

Now we have the machinery to implement the takes syntax. Recall that takes binds dynamic arguments to given lexical names.

myTakes := {
  ;; Get the caller's dynamic scope
  args := ArgList clone fillWith ($dynamic parent).
  ;; We are defining names in the caller's lexical scope
  target := lexical caller.
  ;; Pair each of the names given with an argument
  $1 clone zip! (args) map! {
    ;; For each pair (given by zip! as a cons cell),
    ;; assign the name
    target slot ($1 car) = $1 cdr.

;; Sample usage
myMethod := {
  myTakes '[a, b, c].
  a + b + c.
println: myMethod (1, 2, 3). ; ==> Prints 6

Parent Methods

Often, we would like to override a method while also preserving (but slightly augmenting) the parent method’s behavior, similar to calling super() in some other languages. Latitude provides this functionality via Parents above.

myObject := Object clone tap {
  self clone := {
    Parents above (myObject, 'clone) call tap {
      ;; Customize the new object
      self someValue := 0.

Parents above (myObject, 'clone) returns a procedure object which will invoke the clone method on myObject’s parent2. We call that procedure, then “tap” the resulting object to customize it.

Note that we explicitly pass myObject to Parents above rather than self. We do not want the method above self (who could feasibly be an indirect subobject of some other subobject); we want the particular implementation of clone which falls above myObject. If we had passed self and someone else along the inheritance hierarchy had also passed self, the Parents above calls would get stuck in a loop calling the method above self over and over again. Thus, to make this behavior sustainable in a larger inheritance hierarchy, we pass the object we want to target explicitly.

Missing Methods

What happens if we try to access a slot which does not exist on an object? Surely, you’ve already run into this, either accidentally or intentionally.

% Object clone thisSlotDoesNotExist.
***** EXCEPTION *****
SlotError - Could not find slot 'thisSlotDoesNotExist
<stack trace omitted>

Appropriately, we get an error. However, it is possible to override this behavior. If an object does not know how to respond to a message, the Latitude VM will fall back to sending the missing message, with the symbol that was originally intended as an argument. The value returned from the missing message will be used as the slot’s value for this instance only. So we can effectively override the “lookup failed” behavior.

mySafeObject := Object clone tap {
  self missing := Nil.
println: mySafeObject thisSlotDoesNotExist. ; Prints Nil

A missing method which does not wish to emulate the slot should call the parent’s missing method explicitly, rather than raising an exception.

mySafeObject := Object clone tap {
  self missing := {
    takes '[sym].
    if (sym == 'foo) then {
    } else {
      Parents above (mySafeObject, 'missing) call (sym).

For a useful, real-world example of missing, we need to look no further than Latitude’s module system. When a module’s names are imported with importAll, a new object is injected into the local scope, and that new object has a missing method which forwards to the module.

myImportAll := {
  takes '[module].

  ;; Make a new object in the lexical scope hierarchy
  scope := lexical caller.
  scope parent := scope parent clone.
  target := scope parent.

  target missing := {
    takes '[sym].
      module slot (sym).
    } catch (err SlotError) do {
      Parents above (target, 'missing) call (sym).


To import all of the names into scope, we define a new object in the inheritance hierarchy. That new object has a missing method which explicitly delegates to the module.

| Old lexical parent   |   +----------------------+              +----------------------+
+----------------------+<--| New object           |------------->| Target module        |
           ^               +----------------------+ Delegates to +----------------------+
           X               ^
           X              /
+----------------------+ /
| Lexical scope        |/


We’ve already briefly mentioned sigils, when using the ~fmt sigil to create a format string. Now we’ll discuss how to create custom sigils.

The meta slot on a lexical scope object stores the current meta object. The current meta object is used for several purposes, not least of which is sigil lookup.3 When an expression of the form ~name (someExpr) is encountered, it is converted to the call

meta sigil name (someExpr).

As with ordinary method calls, if the argument is a literal, the parentheses may be omitted, so ~name 1 desugars to meta sigil name (1). Sigils desugar to ordinary method calls, so they are merely a syntactic convenience. Aside from ~fmt (in the 'format module), Latitude defines a few other built-in sigils. One of the most useful is the ~l sigil for lazy evaluation.

value := ~l {
  putln: "Doing some expensive calculations... :)".
putln: "Haven't done any work yet.".
println: value. ; Doing some expensive calculations... :) 42
println: value. ; 42

~l takes a block and returns a new method. The new method will call the block and cache the result the first time it is invoked. When it is later invoked, it will return the cached value. In effect, it constructs a method which emulates lazy evaluation, and since Latitude methods are invoked the same way variables are accessed, you can treat it the same way you would treat a variable.

Sigils are stored in the meta sigil object. When importing a module, the meta object is never imported, even with importAll. For this reason, if you wish to provide sigils as part of a module, you must store them in a different place. Every module object has a sigils slot, to which you can attach arbitrary sigils.

;;* MODULE sigil-module
;;* PACKAGE com.example.latitude.tutorial

sigil-module := $whereAmI.

meta sigil mysigil := { ... }.
sigil-module sigils mysigil := #'(meta sigil mysigil).


Then, when importing the module, you can use importAllSigils to explicitly import sigils into the current meta.

use 'sigil-module importAllSigils.

Sending Messages

Normally, when we send a message to an object, we send a symbolic name, and the object chooses how to react to the message. Thus, the same name may behave differently depending on which object is receiving the message. A prime example of this is toString. Clearly, sending toString to a numerical object is going to have different behavior than sending toString to a string object. However, sometimes it can be useful to send an explicit set of instructions to an object, rather than a name. This can be done with send. send returns a procedure object which, when called, will invoke its block with the appropriate caller bound as self.

foo ::= Object clone.
foo send {
  println: self. ; Prints foo
} call.

send returns a procedure object so that you can explicitly pass arguments to the constructed procedure if you wish.

use 'format importAllSigils.

foo ::= Object clone.
foo send {
  $stdout printf: ~fmt "Self is ~S and args are (~S, ~S)", self, $1, $2. ; foo, 10, 20
} call: 10, 20.

More commonly, you will not pass an explicit block to send but rather a method passed in from a caller. For instance, tap is implemented in terms of send.

myTap := {
  takes '[obj, mthd].
  obj send #'(mthd) call.

It can be handy to set up a variable scope before performing a call. For instance, recall that loop* behaves like loop except that it also defines next and last in the loop body’s scope. This behavior is also implemented in terms of send. By calling by on the procedure object, we can supply a setup method. This setup method will be called before the actual method is called, and it will take two arguments: the future lexical scope and the future dynamic scope. We can freely modify these arguments, and those changes will be reflected in the method call.

For brevity, we’ll only be implementing last in our loop, but next would be similar.

myLoop* := {
  takes '[block].
  callCC {
    loop {
      Conditional send #'(content) by {
        $1 last := { return. }.
      } call.

We use the Conditional object as the target of the method. There is not any particular reason for this; we just need some object to be the receiver, and a singleton flow-control-centric object would seem to be a sensible candidate. Before running content, the call invokes our setup method, which defines a lexically-scoped last method. Remember that the setup method is passed two arguments: lexical scope and dynamic scope. So $1 is the lexical scope argument, on which we define last.


Latitude’s strength comes in its ability to define new control structures and influence the language in subtle ways. Now you’ve seen many of the tools used to do so.

[prev - Mixin Objects]
[next - Closing Thoughts]

1 asText converts a symbol into a string representing the symbol’s name. intern takes a string and returns an appropriate symbol. These methods are not quite inverses of one another, for reasons we haven’t discussed yet. arg intern asText will always return the same string originally passed in, but arg asText intern may return a distinct symbol in certain cases.

2 Specifically, above finds the slot with the given name on the object, ignores that value, and accesses the slot on that object’s parent, essentially ignoring the first layer of lookup.

3 The meta object is also used for operator precedence resolution. Customizing the operator table is not explicitly discussed in this tutorial, but you can read about it in the Latitude specification at Chapter 2 - Lexical Structure.