

Latitude libraries are normally organized into modules. Doing so provides the user with convenient ways of loading your library and importing specific names from it.

Script Files

As we’ve seen, Latitude scripts can be invoked from the command line like so.

$ latitude filename.lats

Latitude script files, by convention, end in .lats. A script file can also be invoked from within a Latitude program or the REPL.

Kernel load: "filename.lats".

Kernel is a global singleton object that contains several methods for interacting with the Latitude VM at a relatively low level. A Latitude script is run like any other method in Latitude. It will receive its own lexical and dynamic scopes1, and it will return the value of the final expression in the file.

result := Kernel load: "one-plus-one.lats".
println: result. ; Prints 2

;; one-plus-one.lats
1 + 1.

Module Files

A module file is formatted slightly differently than a regular script file in Latitude. For one thing, we use the extension .lat rather than .lats for Latitude modules. Second, Latitude modules must always have a header. The header of a module consists of lines beginning with ;;* and containing information about the module.

;;* MODULE example-module-name
;;* PACKAGE com.example.latitude.tutorial

Latitude package names use a reverse domain name scheme. The module name should normally be the filename without the extension. If the module is in a subfolder, then the module name should include forward slashes / to indicate the path from the package’s root directory. So if a file named was located in the folder examples within util, an appropriate header might be

;;* MODULE util/examples/foo
;;* PACKAGE com.example.latitude.tutorial

The Latitude standard library is separated into two portions: the core library and the standard modules. The core library is the portion of the standard library which is imported into the Latitude VM at startup, containing things like Kernel and Object. The standard modules are a set of modules which are available for importing under the package name '(latitude).

Module files are also loaded slightly differently. When a script file is executed, it is run like a method and its final statement is its return value. Modules behave similarly, but the module loading mechanism expects that the return value be the module object itself. That is, modules should attach all of their functionality to a single object and return that object.

Latitude provides a newly-constructed module object to modules which are loading by means of the $whereAmI variable2. While it is by no means required that you use this variable, there are benefits to doing so, and it provides the user of your module with a consistent, uniform import interface. As with many dynamic variables, it is often convenient to place the module object in an appropriately-named lexical variable. Thus, the usual structure of a Latitude module is

;;* MODULE my-module
;;* PACKAGE com.example.latitude.tutorial

my-module := $whereAmI.

;; Attach all of the module's functionality to
;; the my-module object ...


Importing Modules

The simplest and most common way to import a module is with a use statement.

use 'my-module.

This will define the name my-module in the current lexical scope. The value of that name will be the object returned from the module file, usually the module object. Thus, any methods or values attached to the module object can now be accessed via the my-module object.

use 'my-module.

my-module someFunctionality (100).

If you use a particular function frequently, you may import it explicitly.

use 'my-module import '[someFunctionality].

someFunctionality (100).

You may also import all names from the module, although this is not recommended as it can very easily become confusing to determine which names came from which modules.

use 'my-module importAll.

someFunctionality (100).

Modules can also be aliased with as. This, in particular, is especially useful if you have a deeply nested module such as our util/examples/foo example earlier. It would be highly inconvenient to continue using the name util/examples/foo every time you need to reference the module.

use 'util/examples/foo as 'foo.

Finally, it is always possible that the same module name could be in use in multiple packages. In this case, you may explicitly qualify the module with a package name.

;; Short form (for one import)
fromPackage '(com.example.latitude.tutorial) use 'util/examples/foo.

;; Long form (for multiple imports)
fromPackage '(com.example.latitude.tutorial) do {
  use 'util/examples/foo.
  use 'util/examples/bar.

Load Path

When a module is loaded with use or a similar form, the module’s name is looked up in the load path on the system. The load path is determined at VM startup and can be accessed via $moduleLoader loadPath. It is built from the following paths.

If you install a new package in a non-standard location, the recommended way to inform Latitude of it is by appending the path to the LATITUDE_PATH environment variable. However, if you do not have permissions to change environemtn variables or for some reason do not want to, then you can clone the module loader within Latitude.

$moduleLoader := $moduleLoader clone.
$moduleLoader loadPath := $moduleLoader loadPath dup. ; Make sure we don't mess up the original
$moduleLoader loadPath pushBack: "/some/new/path/name/".

It is good practice not to mutate the current module loader but to instead clone it and change the clone. In doing so, your changes will only affect the current file and anything imported from the command file. As soon as the current file finishes executing, the original module loader will return, so as not to disrupt any other code that expects the module loader to behave in the default way.


You now have an understanding of the basics of creating and loading modules. There are more customizations you can perform on the module loader, but most of them are scarcely needed, as the default module loader suffices for many common programming tasks. In the next chapter, we’ll discuss mixin objects, a way to implement reusable interfaces of Latitude objects.

[prev - Input and Output]
[next - Mixin Objects]

1 When using Kernel load, the lexical closure of the loaded file will be the global scope, so any lexically-scoped variables defined in the calling file’s scope will not be visible to the loaded file. If you wish to explicitly choose the lexical closure of the loaded file, you may use Kernel evalFile, which behaves identically to Kernel load except that it takes a second argument: the lexical closure.

2 The dynamic variable $whereAmI can actually be used in several other contexts as well. When loading a module, the variable is equal to the module object. When running a Latitude script from the command line, the variable is equal to the filename, as a string. When running the Latitude REPL, the variable is equal to the REPL object.