

At this point, we’ve talked about how to construct new objects and define slots on them. Now we’ll discuss how local variables and scopes work in Latitude.

Local Variables

We haven’t explicitly talked about local variables yet. We already know how to use them; we just haven’t explicitly said so yet. This is because local variables are no different than slots, so we can define them using the same := syntax.

% theNumberOne := 1.
% theNumberOne.

It’s worth noting that Latitude is fairly liberal in what it allows as a variable name. The following characters are never allowed in variable names.


And the following characters cannot begin a variable name but can appear in the middle of one.


Aside from these two rules, almost any nonempty string of printable, non-whitespace Unicode characters is a valid identifier. There are a few small exceptions, which are detailed in the language specification at Identifiers, but it is not necessary to know them all. All of the following are valid variable names.


So, although it is not recommended from a readability standpoint, the following is a perfectly valid Latitude script.

<<m=~m>> := "Hello, world!".
putln (<<m=~m>>).

Now, while we could define all of our variables using := and be perfectly happy, it does create some difficulties when it comes to inner scopes. Consider the following script.1

i := 1.
addOne := {
  i := i + 1.
println (i).
println (i).

addOne is a method which, we would hope, adds one to the variable i. Intuitively, one might think that this would print 1 and then 2. However, actually running this script produces the initially counterintuitive result

$ latitude add-one.lats

As it turns out, := always assigns a variable in the current scope. So when we do i := i + 1 inside addOne, we are making a new local variable inside that scope whose value is i + 1. We’re not modifying the original local variable.

We can get around this by declaring the variable to be a local variable, which also defines an accessor. Notice the local declaration on the first line, and the change from := to = on the third.

local 'i = 1.
addOne := {
  i = i + 1.
println (i).
println (i).

Now the script behaves the way we’d like it to.

$ latitude add-one.lats

local defines a variable, just like :=, but it also defines an accessor which can be used to mutate that variable via =. We’ll have the tools to talk about this more specifically soon, but for now just remember to annotate all your local variables with local.

Lexical vs Dynamic Scoping

We need to make a brief aside here about lexical and dynamic scoping. The difference is best exemplified with a snippet of pseudo-code.

x <- "Lexical"

def foo()
  print x

def bar()
  x <- "Dynamic"


The question of lexical vs dynamic scoping is what determines whether this pseudo-program outputs, appropriately, “Lexical” or “Dynamic”.

In a lexically scoped language, the x in foo() would bind to the global declaration of x whose value is "Lexical", which is the narrowest enclosing scope containing the variable. In a dynamically scoped language, the x in foo() would bind to bar()’s declaration of x whose value is "Dynamic", which is the caller’s scope.

That is, a lexically scoped language always looks for variables in the physically enclosing scope, according to the placement of the source code, while a dynamically scoped language traces up the call stack looking for variables.

These days, most modern languages subscribe to lexical scoping, as it is more readable, more intuitive, and easier to compile. However, dynamic scoping does have its merits in specific situations. For this reason, Latitude primarily uses lexical scoping but also supports dynamic scoping.

By default, variables in Latitude are lexically scoped. Let’s translate that pseudo-code into Latitude and verify this.

local 'x = "Lexical".

foo := {
  putln (x).

bar := {
  local 'x = "Dynamic".


As expected, running this script will print “Lexical” to the screen. To enable dynamic scoping, we prefix the variable name with a $. Any variable whose name begins with a $ is dynamically scoped in Latitude. Additionally, since dynamic variables are seldom mutated in-place, the local method will never make a dynamic variable, so we need to switch back to the := syntax.

$x := "Lexical".

foo := {
  putln ($x).

bar := {
  $x := "Dynamic".


Running this modified script will correctly print “Dynamic” to the screen.

Scoping Rules

Consider the defining behavior of scopes.

First, consider a lexically scoped language. When a variable is accessed, the current scope is checked. If the variable does not exist, the enclosing lexical scope is recursively checked. This continues until either the variable is located or the global scope is reached.

Likewise, consider a dynamically scoped language. When a variable is accessed, the current scope is again checked. If the variable does not exist, the caller’s dynamic scope is recursively checked. This continues until either the variable is located or the global scope is reached.

Both of these processes seem superficially similar to Latitude’s inheritance lookup algorithm. In Latitude, this similarity is codified, as scopes are Latitude objects. You can access the current lexical and dynamic scope objects by, respectively, lexical and $dynamic.

% lexical.
% lexical foo := 1.
% foo.
% $dynamic $bar := 2.
% $bar.

Being able to treat variable scopes as objects opens up an entirely new dimension of metaprogramming possibilities. The parent of a lexical scope is the enclosing lexical scope, and the parent of a dynamic scope is the caller’s dynamic scope. Additionally, the caller method on a lexical scope object will return the caller’s lexical scope, allowing methods to define variables lexically within their caller.

To belabor the point, there is no distinction between a slot on the scope object and a “local” variable. The two concepts are one and the same in Latitude, and to access a local variable, we send a message with the variable’s name to the scope object. This is also why we can call variables containing a method by just using the name.

foo := { putln "It works!". }.
;; We are sending the message foo to the lexical scope object, which calls the
;; method stored at that slot.
;; Output: It works!

As before, if we wish to retrieve the actual method object rather than the result of evaluation, we place the expression in a quoted block.

foo := { putln "It works!". }.
;; No output

Method Arguments

Up until this point, the only methods we have written have taken zero arguments. Naturally, with message passing being the primary means of communication in Latitude, we would like to be able to pass arguments with a message.

The first “argument” to a method is called self, and it always refers to the recipient of the message.

foo := Object clone.
foo bar := { self. }.
foo bar == foo. ; ==> True

There are several syntaxes for passing other arguments. We’ve already used most of them without calling attention to it. Arguments can be enclosed in parentheses or separated from the method name by a colon. The following are equivalent.

foo bar (1, 2, 3, 4).
foo bar: 1, 2, 3, 4.

The latter form is most often used when a statement consists of a single expression which has side effects. For example, so far we’ve been using println with the parenthesized form, as that is more familiar to users coming from other languages, but it is more common to see println used with a colon to indicate the side effect of printing.

println: someValue.

The primary benefit of this is that : has a very low syntactic precedence, so operators like string concatenation (++) can be used without causing issues.

println: "The value of someValue is " ++ someValue.

Additionally, as an exception to the above rule, if there are no arguments to a method, the parentheses may be omitted entirely. Finally, if there is a single argument and it is a literal, such as 1 or "ABC", it need not be enclosed in parentheses or separated by a colon. Parentheses may also be omitted if the method’s name is an operator, such as + or *.

Below is a summary of the rules for how to pass arguments. It is not expected that you memorize these rules; they’re primarily built to maximize the intuitiveness of the call syntax.

Now that we know how to pass arguments, the next question is how to receive them on the method side. Any arguments passed are stored in the dynamic variables $1, $2, $3, etc.

addTwoNumbers := { $1 + $2. }.
addTwoNumbers (3, 4). ; ==> 7

An important side effect of this is that arguments, as dynamic variables, are always forwarded down the call stack. This makes it very easy to write a delegator function.

foo := { $1 + $2. }.
bar := { foo. }.
bar (3, 4). ; ==> bar

This especially comes in handy when designing an extension object, which forwards most of its methods calls to an inner object. It is never necessary to explicitly forward the arguments, as they are always implicitly passed onward.

Argument Renaming

Unless your method is exceedingly short (like our addTwoNumbers above), you will likely be giving lexical names to these dynamic variables, to make them self-documenting and also to prevent them from getting corrupted in inner scopes. This pattern is so common that Latitude provides automatic techniques for doing so.

First, note that all of the basic control flow techniques in Latitude take a method as an argument. We will discuss these techniques in detail in the next chapter, but it is worth noting that Latitude has no explicit notion of a “block”, so any time a control structure or similar method requires user-customizable behavior, that method will take another method as an argument. As such, it is fairly common to end up nested several methods deep.

First, since the name self is bound every time a method is called, it is difficult to access the self value from several layers out.

someMethod := {
  if (blah) then {
    someBehavior {
      ;; Would like to access someMethod's self
      parent parent self. ; Ugly, but works
  } else {

Since it is reasonably common to have several nested methods within one another and only care about one of the self values, Latitude offers the localize method. localize is a method called on the lexical scope which, when called, sets this equal to self. this is not rebound at every scope, so if it is used in an inner scope, it will still have the same value it did before.

someMethod := {
  if (blah) then {
    someBehavior {
      ;; Would like to access someMethod's self
      this. ; self at the time of the localize call
  } else {

As for non-self arguments, the primary concern with those is that, being dynamically scoped, they can very easily be corrupted by inner scopes.

someMethod := {
  if (blah) then {
    $1 toString.
  } else {

The $1 in the if-statement does not refer to the first argument of someMethod. It likely refers to the { $1 toString. } method itself, the first argument of then, but this is unspecified. As such, for any nontrivial methods, it is desirable to convert these dynamic argument variables into lexical names. This is done with the takes primitive.

someMethod := {
  takes '[n].
  if (blah) then {
    n toString.
  } else {

takes takes an array of symbols and binds each of the arguments to the corresponding (lexical) symbol. We haven’t discussed arrays or the “literal array” syntax used in the example, but for now that syntax can be regarded as a “special” part of the takes call, and we can learn what it actually is later.

takes '[var1, var2, var3].

It is relatively common, at the beginning of any substantial Latitude method, to see a takes call and a localize call. By convention, localize and takes should always be used at the very beginning of a method, and, if both are present, localize should be listed first. This makes it easy to read off, at a glance, the number and names of the formal arguments expected by the method, by looking for a takes call at the top of the method.


Now you have a good idea of the way variables, both dynamic and lexical, work in Latitude, as well as how to pass and forward arguments to methods. In the next chapter, we’ll discuss some basic flow control tools.

[prev - The Basics]
[next - Simple Flow Control]

1 We use println rather than putln here. putln always prints a string, verbatim, whereas println calls toString. We can’t do putln because i is a number, not a string