
The Cell Module

Mono cells are similar to cons cells, provided by the core library, except that a Cell object contains only one value, where Cons carry two (car and cdr). However, mono cells provide the same protections so that evaluating objects can be safely stored within them.

The Cell Object

Cell := Object clone.

A mono cell stores a single value.


Cell value.

Returns the cell’s value. Does not evaluate the value if it is a method.

Cell value = (arg).

Sets the cell’s value. Does not evaluate the argument, even if it is a method.

Cell toString.

If called on the Cell object itself, returns "Cell". Otherwise, returns an appropriate representation which includes the value of the cell, stringified.

Cell iterator.

Cells are iterable and always contain exactly one element. Returns a CellIterator.

Static Methods

Cell make (arg).

Makes a new cell whose value is arg, not evaluated.

The Cell Iterator Object

CellIterator := Iterator clone.

CellIterator iterates over cells, which always contain exactly one value. CellIterator is a mutable iterator.

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