
The Dictionary Object

Dict := Object clone.

A dictionary stores key-value pairs, where the keys are symbols and the values are Latitude objects. The same behavior can be approximated with non-traditional objects, with the caveat that the parent slot can then not be used as a key. With dedicated dictionary objects, any symbol can be used as a key.

Dictionaries are iterable in three ways. The standard iterator method returns an iterator with elements cons cells containing key-value pairs. keys returns an iterable construct over the collection of keys in the dictionary. values returns an iterable construct over the collection of values in the dictionary. All three of these iterators are read-only. The first two are invalidated if keys are added to or removed from the dictionary, but values is invalidated if any key or value is changed.

Simple Slots


Dict toString.

Returns a string representation of the dictionary, approximating a string which would, if evaluated, produce an equivalent dictionary object.

Dict clone.

Returns a clone of the current dictionary object.

Dict dup.

Returns a duplicate of the current dictionary object.

Dict get (key).

Returns the value at the given key in the dictionary, without evaluating methods. If key is not a symbol, TypeError is raised. If key does not exist in the dictionary, SlotError is raised.

Dict get (key) = value.

Sets the value associated with the given key in the dictionary. If the key does not exist, it is created and the value is assigned. Otherwise, the value overwrites the previous one at that key.

Dict has? (key).

Returns whether or not the dictionary contains a value at the given key.

Dict delete (key).

If key exists as a key in the dictionary, it is removed from the dictionary.

Dict iterator.

Returns a DictIterator iterating over the dictionary. The DictIterator is invalidated if keys are added to or removed from the dictionary but is not invalidated if values are modified.

Dict keys.

Returns a collection containing all of the keys currently in the dictionary.

Dict values.

Returns a collection containing all of the values currently in the dictionary.

Dict map (block).

Maps a method over the dictionary. This behaves equivalently to the corresponding Collection method but is specialized to dictionaries.

Dict == other.

Returns true if and only if the dictionaries have the same keys and each key corresponds to an equivalent (by ==) value in both dictionaries.

Static Methods

Dict empty.

Returns a fresh empty dictionary.

Dict builder.

Returns an DictBuilder object which will construct a new dictionary.

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