
The Module Loader Object

ModuleLoader := global clone.

The module loader object manages the loading of modules and storing of loaded modules.

Simple Slots

ModuleLoader toString := "ModuleLoader".


ModuleLoader loaded.

Returns a dictionary detailing all of the modules which have been loaded.

ModuleLoader clone.

Returns a new module loader object, duplicating the &loaded slot as well.

ModuleLoader loadPath.

Returns an array of strings indicating where on the file system the module loader should search for imports. The built-in module loader searches the following directories, in order.

ModuleLoader resolveImport (package, path).

If path is already a string, then path is returned unmodified. If it is a symbol, then loadPath is searched for a path in which path exists as a file. In this case, path will have ".lat" appended onto the end before searching. If no appropriate path can be found, a ModuleError is raised. The package name should be either a symbol or nil. In the former case, only modules belonging to the given package will match. In the latter case, any package is valid.

[prev - The Module Object]
[next - The Number Object]