
The Number Object

Number := Object clone.

The number object represents numerical values in Latitude. Numerical literals always return subobjects of this object. Internally, numbers are stored using any one of several representations. A Latitude implementation must support at least the following representations, in order from narrowest to widest representation.

The integer and rational number types must be exact and support arbitrary precision. When an arithmetic operation is performed, the result of the operation will, whenever possible, be the widest of the following.

Additionally, many implementations will supply a fixed-precision integer type, which will be used in cases where it is small enough. In this case, fixed-size integers are considered narrower than the general integer representation and must automatically shift into wider types when the value becomes too large or too small to fit into a fixed-size integer.

Note that, unless otherwise specified, when this documentation refers to an integer, it is referring to a numerical value using an integer representation. So 2 is an integer, whereas 2.00 is a floating-point number which happens to be equal in magnitude to an integer. Likewise, even though 2 and (2 / 1) are equivalent values and are exact, it is not correct to describe (2 / 1) as an integer-represented value. It is a rational number which happens to be exactly representable as an integer.

Simple Slots

Number ee := #<2.718281828...>.
Number pi := #<3.141592653...>.
Number ii := @(0, 1).
Number nan := #<NaN, or Nil if not supported>.
Number inf := #<positive infinity, or Nil if not supported>.
Number ninf := #<negative infinity, or Nil if not supported>.
Number epsilon := #<the machine's floating-point epsilon>.


Number ordinal.

As detailed in Symbol Table, every positive integer is uniquely associated with a special symbol, called an natural symbol. Given a positive integer, this method returns the ordinal symbol associated with it. A TypeError is thrown if the value is non-positive or non-integer. Additionally, a TypeError is thrown if the value is above 2^31 - 1 = 2147483647.

[TODO: Should this upper limit be specified by the VM (and available as a variable)?]

Number times (block).

Returns a Range object from 0 up to self.

Note that n times. is equivalent to 0 upto n.

Number upto (n).

Returns a Range object from self up to (but not including) n.

Number downto (n).

Returns a Range object from self down to (but not including) n.

Number asciiChr.

Returns the character whose ASCII value is equal to self. If self is not an integer, or if self is out of ASCII bounds, an ArgError is thrown.

Note carefully that ASCII is a 7-bit encoding. As such, a caller outside of the range 0 to 127 will throw an exception. In particular, values from 128 to 255, which in latin1 (ISO/IEC 8859-1) would be valid characters, will result in an exception being thrown.

Number chr.

Returns the character whose Unicode code point is equal to self. If self is not an integer, or if self is out of the range of assignable Unicode code points, an ArgError is thrown. Note that self could be an unassigned code point, in which case the appropriate character will be returned, even if it is not a conforming UTF-8 character.

Number toString.

Returns a string representation of the number. If the value is an integer, the string representation will be the exact digits of the integer, possibly preceded by a negative sign. If the value is a rational number, the string representation will include the numerator and denominator, in reduced form, and some clear indication that the number is rational. If the value is a floating-point number, the string representation should indicate clearly that the number is a floating-point value and should show at least one decimal place. If the number is a complex number, the string representation should clearly indicate that the number is complex and should include the real and imaginary parts, each to at least one decimal place.

[TODO: This may become more strict in the future.]

Number == arg.

Returns whether the two values refer to the same number. This method is independent of representation, so for instance 1 and 1 / 1 refer to the same number. In the case of floating-point or complex numbers, the system’s definition of floating-point equality shall be used.

As with many programming languages, the equality method on numbers may fail to be transitive or reflexive when used on non-exact numerical representations.

Number < arg.

Returns whether self is less than the argument. If either self or arg is complex, an ArgError will be thrown.

Number + arg.

Returns the sum of the two numbers. The resulting value will be in the wider of the two representations of the arguments, with the exception that a fixed integer will be coerced into an arbitrary-precision integer if an overflow would occur.

Number - arg.

Returns the difference of the two numbers. The resulting value will be in the wider of the two representations of the arguments, with the exception that a fixed integer will be coerced into an arbitrary-precision integer if an overflow would occur.

Number * arg.

Returns the product of the two numbers. The resulting value will be in the wider of the two representations of the arguments, with the exception that a fixed integer will be coerced into an arbitrary-precision integer if an overflow would occur.

Number / arg.

Returns the quotient of the two numbers. The resulting value will be in the wider of the two representations of the arguments, with the caveat that the resulting value will be at least as wide as a rational number.

In the case of real-valued division by zero, the floating-point value positive infinity. In the case of complex-valued division by zero, the result will be a complex number whose real and imaginary parts of infinity or NaN. On machines that do not support infinity and NaN, the behavior of division by zero is undefined.

Number mod (arg).

Returns self modulo the argument. The resulting value will be in the wider of the two representations. If either argument is complex, an ArgError will be thrown. The sign of the returned value will always match the sign of the divisor.

Number ^ arg.

Returns self to the power of arg. The representation of the result depends heavily on the representation of arg.

If arg is an integer, the result will be of the same representation as self. However, fixed-size integers will be coerced into arbitrary-size integers as needed, and the result will be at least as wide as arg. Also, if arg is negative, the result will be at least as wide as a rational number.

If arg is rational or floating-point, the result will be at least as wide as a floating-point number. If arg is negative or self is complex, the result will be complex. Otherwise, the result will be floating-point.

If arg is complex, the result will always be complex.

In any case that would be mathematically indeterminate or result in an infinite value, the appropriate floating-point or complex value will be returned. If such a value is not available on the system, the behavior is undefined.

Number real.

Returns the real part of self if it is complex. If the value is real, the value itself is returned. In the former case, the resulting value will be a floating-point number.

Number imag.

Returns the imaginary part of self if it is complex. If the value is real, the integer 0 is returned. In the former case, the resulting value will be a floating-point number.

Number abs.

Returns the absolute value of the number. If the number is real, the resulting value will have the same representation as the original number. If the number is complex, the result will be floating-point.

Number floor.

Returns the greatest integer which is less than or equal to self. If self is complex, an ArgError is raised.

Number round.

Returns the integer which is nearest to self. If self is complex, an ArgError is raised.

Number ceil.

Returns the least integer which is greater than or equal to self. If self is complex, an ArgError is raised.

Number bitAnd (arg).

Returns the bitwise conjunction of the two values, which must be integers. Negative numbers are treated as being in two’s complement form. If either argument is not an integer, an ArgError is raised.

Number bitOr (arg).

Returns the bitwise disjunction of the two values, which must be integers. Negative numbers are treated as being in two’s complement form. If either argument is not an integer, an ArgError is raised.

Number bitXor (arg).

Returns the bitwise symmetric disjunction of the two values, which must be integers. Negative numbers are treated as being in two’s complement form. If either argument is not an integer, an ArgError is raised.

Number bitNot.

Returns the bitwise negation of the value. Negative numbers are treated as being in two’s complement form. If self is not an integer, an ArgError is raised.

Number bitShift (n).

Returns self shifted to the right by n bits. If n is negative, returns self shifted to the left by - n bits. Negative numbers are treated as being in two’s complement form. If either self or n is non-integer, an ArgError is raised.

Number sin.

Returns the sine of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number cos.

Returns the cosine of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number tan.

Returns the tangent of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number csc.

Returns the cosecant of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number sec.

Returns the secant of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number cot.

Returns the cotangent of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number sinh.

Returns the hyperbolic sine of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number cosh.

Returns the hyperbolic cosine of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number tanh.

Returns the hyperbolic tangent of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number csch.

Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number sech.

Returns the hyperbolic secant of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number coth.

Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number asin.

Returns the inverse sine of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number acos.

Returns the inverse cosine of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number atan.

Returns the inverse tangent of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number acsc.

Returns the inverse cosecant of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number asec.

Returns the inverse secant of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number acot.

Returns the inverse cotangent of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number asinh.

Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number acosh.

Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number atanh.

Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number acsch.

Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosecant of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number asech.

Returns the inverse hyperbolic secant of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number acoth.

Returns the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number exp.

Returns the mathematical constant e (2.718281828...) to the power of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise.

Number log.

Returns the natural logarithm of self. The result will be complex if self is complex, or floating-point otherwise. If self is zero, the result is the appropriate infinite floating-point or complex value. If such a value is not supported on the system, the behavior is undefined.

Number isBasicInt?.

Returns whether the value is a fixed-size integer. If the implementation does not support fixed-size integers, this method always returns false.

Number isInteger?.

Returns whether the value is represented as an integer, either fixed-size or arbitrary-size.

Number isRational?.

Returns whether the value is represented as a rational number or a narrower numerical type.

Number isFloating?.

Returns whether the value is represented as a floating-point number.

Number isReal?.

Returns whether the value is a real number. A real number is a number that is strictly narrower in representation than a complex number.

Number isComplex?.

Returns whether the value is represented as a complex number. This includes values with zero imaginary part, such as @(1, 0), but does not include values which lack an imaginary part, such as 1.

Static Methods

Number rect (real, imag).

This method returns a new complex number with the given real and imaginary parts.

Number polar (magn, dir).

This method returns a new complex number with the given magnitude and direction.

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