
The Parents Object

Parents := Object clone.

The parents object is a singleton object, like the slots object, which inspection of an object’s inheritance hierarchy, with correct handling of evaluating objects in the hierarchy.

Simple Slots

Parents toString := "Parents".

Static Methods

Parents origin (object, symbol).

Locates the object in the argument’s inheritance hierarchy where the slot with the given name is defined. If the slot was defined directly on the argument, the argument object is returned. Otherwise, if it was defined on a parent and inherited, then the relevant parent object is returned. If the slot does not exist on the object, then a SlotError is raised. The missing method of the object is not used in this case, as only slots that actually exist in the hierarchy are checked.

Parents above (object, symbol).

This method identifies the origin of the given slot on the argument object, as though through Parents origin. It then returns a Proc which calls the value of the slot on the origin’s parent. That is, it ignores the current value of the slot and attempts to access the inherited value. Effectively, this method emulates the super construct available in other languages.

Parents hierarchy (object).

Returns an array containing, in order, all of the objects in the argument’s inheritance hierarchy.

Parents isInstance? (object, target).

Returns whether object is a subobject of target. Specifically, returns whether object contains target in its inheritance hierarchy.

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