
The Procedure Object

Proc := Object clone.

The procedure object is the root object of callable constructs, which includes evaluating objects, continuations, and any other built-in object with a call method.

Simple Slots

Proc toString := "Proc".


Proc call (args ...).

Calling the root Proc object has no effect and returns Nil. However, this method is frequently overriden in subobjects to have more specific effects.

Proc apply (args).

Calls the procedure object, as though by call. args should be a collection, and its constituents will be placed in the appropriate argument variables.

Proc =~ (args ...).

Equivalent to call.

Proc <| arg.

This method implements right-to-left function composition. A new Proc object is returned which, when invoked, calls arg with its arguments and then calls self with the result.

Proc |> arg.

This method implements left-to-right function composition. A new Proc object is returned which, when invoked, calls self with its arguments and then calls arg with the result.

Proc shield.

Returns the procedure. This method is overriden in Method to return a non-evaluating form of the method.

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[next - The Process Object]