
The Time Module

The time module provides methods for accessing the current time and date, as well as for manipulating date-time objects.

Module Methods


Returns the current time and date, in the system’s timezone, as a DateTime object.


Returns the current time and date, in coordinated universal time (UTC), as a DateTime object.

The Date-Time Object

DateTime := Object clone.

This object stores a date and time, according to the modern Gregorian calendar.


DateTime second.

Returns the second, from 0 to 59, represented by this object.

DateTime minute.

Returns the minute, from 0 to 59, represented by this object.

DateTime hour.

Returns the hour, from 0 to 23, represented by this object.

DateTime day.

Returns the day of the month represented by this object.

DateTime year.

Returns the year represented by this object.

DateTime yearDay.

Returns the day of the year represented by this object.

DateTime month.

Returns the month, as an instance of Month, represented by this object.

DateTime weekday.

Returns the day of the week, as an instance of Weekday, represented by this object.

DateTime dst?.

Returns whether the current time and date is subject to active daylight savings time.

DateTime raw.

Returns a raw numerical representation of the date and time. On Unix-like systems, this is the number of seconds since the Unix epoch. On other systems, this value may be a machine-dependent numerical value.

The Month Object

Month := Enumeration clone.

Month is an enumeration object with the following values: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. It also defines a toString which evaluates to "Month".

The Weekday Object

Weekday := Enumeration clone.

Weekday is an enumeration object with the following values: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. It also defines a toString which evaluates to "Weekday". Note that the week begins on Sunday, not Monday.

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